Our Movie in the Moonlight series features newer, family-friendly movies on a large, inflatable screen at the Gateway, between Buildings F and M, on campus, 9000 W. College Parkway, Palos Hills. Admission is free. A state-of-the-art sound system ensures you can easily hear the movie regardless of where you are sitting on the spacious lawn. Families with blankets have reserved seating closest to the screen, while groups sitting in chairs can claim a space a bit further back to allow everyone a good line of sight.

You are welcome to bring your own food – we’ve seen everything from pizzas to burgers to popcorn. Please note: alcoholic beverages and smoking are not allowed on Moraine Valley’s campus.

Upcoming Movies

Movies in the Moonlight are over for the season. Check back in June 2025!


Inclement Weather

In the event of inclement weather, the movie will be shown inside Building M. You should still bring your own chairs and blankets inside. A limited number of chairs *may* be available. If the movie will be moved inside, a notice will be posted on this webpage by 5 p.m.


For more information, please contact Jessica Crotty by calling (708) 974-5281 or emailing crotty@365dafa6.com.